So, we all know how the Lord sometimes works. Tonight, I ran into an odd string of circumstances that made me see the possible chance of an overseeing hand. I had our Evening in Excellence for Young Womens in our church tonight. I was in charge of putting together a video of all the Young Women. It turned out really well. I put in their baby pictures, intermittently, and added some music. I was actually quite proud of it. Well, in the midst of today I managed to snap it in half. Yes, I somehow closed up my stroller while the DVD was behind the seat, and SNAP! I freaked out, knowing I would have to reburn it. It wouldn't have been too bad, except for the fact that I didn't use my computer to do the project. Anyway... long story, but by the time I got the new DVD and changed my clothes (yes, I was already behind schedule) I was about 20 minutes late to the program. When I walked in the door, it was technically time to play the DVD. Instead, (maybe they didn't see me come in yet) they had the next girl give her talk. It was quite obvious that she had absolutely nothing prepared. It kinda made a weird lull in the evening. She should have been the last thing on the program. Frankly, it would have been a really weird ending to the night. But, because I had broken the DVD, had to make a new copy, and arrived late, the video was still left. It was a good ending to the evening, and everyone left on an upbeat, happy note. They all really enjoyed laughing at themselves, and seeing what each other had to say about their year in Young Womens. The baby pics were a hit. The best part was that the girl who gave the previous talk (and you could tell she was a little embarrassed about her lack of preparation) was the girl who did the original recording for the video. It was a nice way to acknowledge her, and relieve her raw embarrassment. So, although it stressed me out, and I don't like to be late, I had to laugh at the afterthought of... well, maybe the Lord just knew.